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Speed, challenge, change, always want to be positive

Representative Director Hiroki Yamashita image

Since our founding in 1937, we have been supplying forged products essential for industrial development to a wide range of fields such as petrochemicals, resources/energy, electric power, and ships. In the meantime, we have expanded the range of manufacturing from standard flanges to special flanges, special stainless forged steel products, and non-ferrous forged steel products. We would like to thank our business partners for their guidance and support.
Recently, the world is changing at an astonishingly fast speed, and we are entering an era where new common sense is born one after another that the existing values and methods do not work. That's why I think I should never lose our thoughts on manufacturing. Based on our founding spirit of "making better products faster, cheaper, and safer", we will continue our efforts to raise our technology to the limit, now and in the future. We will continue to create products that are trusted by our customers and society.
From now on, society will change more rapidly, and the required needs will further diversify. That's why, based on our 2S-3C, which is our action guideline, we must strive to create new value by taking on challenges and actively changing with speed. We believe that it is our mission that the value we create can contribute to the development of industry and society, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. We appreciate your continued guidance and cooperation in the future.

Representative Director Hiroki Yamashita

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